World of Wild Waters: Gamification of Natural Hazards

All information to describe the physical conditions necessary to construct the model and carry out simulations in WP3 and 4 are available at IoT. Collecting and organizing these data will be an activity across the WP’s. WP2 will combine sources of information both external and internal and establish the spatial and temporal scenarios to be simulated in WP3 and 4. WP1 will establish the user interface and present available scenarios to the user based on the location and situation and transform the output from the simulation models into a virtual experience. WP5 will define how the most realistic user experience interaction can be achieved through the user interface in the virtual reality. 

Extreme weather events, natural disasters and failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation are the risks with the highest likelihood of occurrence and largest global impact (World Economic Forum, 2017). According to the Natural Perils Pool the direct compensations over the 10 last years due to Natural Hazards (NH) have cost Norway alone 27 Billion NOK and the Public Sector even more. The responsibility for adaption strategies, to map the risks and prevent and reduce the threat and damages, are scattered. Events over the recent year have shown that there is an urgent need for a holistic perspective and coordination across sectoral boundaries. The aim of World of Wild Waters is to create a holistic understanding of cause and effect of NH by creating an immersive user experience based on real data, realistic scenarios, and simulations. Experiences stakeholders, planners, decision-makers and emergency agencies can base their preventive and emergency measures to safe live and cost. 


World of Wild Waters

Project Plan

 WoWW will be a reality through 5 work packages. WP1 will develop the virtual reality and create a user experience based on realistic scenarios established in WP2 and realistic simulations from WP3 and 4 and create a user experience designed by WP5. Each WP include a PhD. 

All information to describe the physical conditions necessary to construct the model and carry out simulations in WP3 and 4 are available at IoT. Collecting and organizing these data will be an activity across the WP’s. WP2 will combine sources of information both external and internal and establish the spatial and temporal scenarios to be simulated in WP3 and 4. WP1 will establish the user interface and present available scenarios to the user based on the location and situation and transform the output from the simulation models into a virtual experience. WP5 will define how the most realistic user experience interaction can be achieved through the user interface in the virtual reality. 


Statistical approach of realistic spatial and temporal data​

Wp 2 / 3

Hydrological and Hydraulic modeling / Geohazard and Risk modeling


Immersive and interactive experience of Natural Hazards


Human behavior through risk psychology, environmental psychology

Even if we don’t understand why floods are happening​ …we need to have an idea of the consequences

The combination of realistic scenarios and simulations and an interactive virtual setting is the major challenge in the project. Simulations of floods, landslides and other natural processes are in its nature complex and extremely challenging. To a certain realistic extent this can be done, but the traditional methods are far too time-consuming for an interactive setting. Creating realistic scenarios and combination of the weather input to the simulation at any location is both statistically and computationally challenging.