MekIT’19 – 10th National Conference on Computational Mechanics

In June 03 and 04, 2019, Adina, Gebray and Michal had participated in the 10th national conference on Computational Mechanics-MekIT’19 held in Trondheim.

Adina’s presentation title was ” Materializing Natural Hazards:  Is Visualizing Hydrodynamic Fluid Simulations Relevant to Create an  Immersive Experience? ” which gave an insight on how the accuracy and time cost of simulation time shall be compromised each other in fluid simulations prepared for Immersive experience.


Gebray had presented a concept titled as ” Back Calculation of Quickness Test Using Herchel-Bulkley Model in REEF3D“. Herchel-Bulkley rheology model implemented in REEF3D ( an open source CFD code) is used to back calculate a simple quickness test using Herchel- Bulkley model parameters fetched out from viscometric test.

Michal’s presentation was titled as “2D Numerical Simulations of Flash Floods in Step Rivers” and was focused on the simulation of the flash flood event in Utvik (West of Norway) in 2017. TELEMAC-MASCARET software was used to carry out 2D hydrodynamic and morphodynamic (including bedload transport and bed evolution) simulations.


EGU General Assembly 2019

In April 2019, Michal went to present his research in form of a poster to European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Wienna. The title of the poster was “Mapping areas exposed to erosion and water forces during extreme floods in steep terrain”. The contribution was focused on 2D numerical simulation of flash flood event in Utvik in 2017. Some connections for possible future cooperation have been made with researchers from Spain, France and Luxembourg. Also Google Flood Forecasting Initiative has been found relevant for WoWW project.



First WoWW Kick-off

A view of Ørland Kysthotell , Brekstad
 World of wild waters team comprise 7 PhD students and 5 professors at NTNU. The Team is led by Oddbjørn Bruland. The main goal for the KickOff was to get to know each other better and start the process of generating a strong team feeling and desire to achieve something together.
 Our first meeting was held at  Ørland Kysthotell, located in the coastal town of Brekstad, a 1-hour boat ride from Trondheim, Norway. We Departed from Trondheim on Wednesday 30. January at 12:15 from hurtigbåt terminalen and reached the venue which offered beautiful panoramic views of the Trondheim Fjord.

We were greeted with lunch and coffee by the Kysthotell staff, and we went straight to the meeting room to get the project introduction started. After a thorough presentation by the team lead regarding the aims and objects of WoWW , everyone gave a brief presentation about themselves followed by a detailed discussion on everyone’s role in the project and how we will proceed in the future to achieve our goals. before the dinner we had a small session where one of the team member introduced others with Virtual Reality by showing them a small demo.

A long evening meeting was followed by a savory dinner.

WoWW team

The dinner was again followed by a long discussion and social activities among the PhD fellows. In the morning there was a detailed discussion on how we will proceed with the project, important milestones etc. and we headed back to Trondheim .