MekIT’19 – 10th National Conference on Computational Mechanics
- 24. June 201926. August 2019
- by Gebray Habtu Alene
In June 03 and 04, 2019, Adina, Gebray and Michal had participated in the 10th national conference on Computational Mechanics-MekIT’19 held in Trondheim.
Adina’s presentation title was ” Materializing Natural Hazards: Is Visualizing Hydrodynamic Fluid Simulations Relevant to Create an Immersive Experience? ” which gave an insight on how the accuracy and time cost of simulation time shall be compromised each other in fluid simulations prepared for Immersive experience.
Gebray had presented a concept titled as ” Back Calculation of Quickness Test Using Herchel-Bulkley Model in REEF3D“. Herchel-Bulkley rheology model implemented in REEF3D ( an open source CFD code) is used to back calculate a simple quickness test using Herchel- Bulkley model parameters fetched out from viscometric test.

Michal’s presentation was titled as “2D Numerical Simulations of Flash Floods in Step Rivers” and was focused on the simulation of the flash flood event in Utvik (West of Norway) in 2017. TELEMAC-MASCARET software was used to carry out 2D hydrodynamic and morphodynamic (including bedload transport and bed evolution) simulations.