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30. August 2023

Flood papers alert 2023

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Adina Moraru (WP2) researches flood risk in mountain rivers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Flooding has taken a toll in European countries during summer 2023, highlighting the relevance of expanding what we know about floods and how we manage rivers. Adina has published two journal papers on
Flood   , , ,
Adina Moraru (WP2) attended EGU23 in Vienna earlier this year. The event was very fruitful, she got to interact and catch up over social events, gave a scientific presentation, and got to meet other IAG networks (Italy, Germany, UK, among others) and committee representatives in her role of Norwegian Young

1. February 2023

[Coming soon] EGU General Assembly 2023

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The General Assembly for the European Geosciences Union is held from the 23rd to the 28th of April in Vienna (Austria) and online. Adina Moraru (WP2) will attend as the Norwegian Young Geomorphologists National Representatives for GeoNorth (IAG) as well as present her latest research. Adina’s attendance to EGU23 is supported
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12. December 2022

3rd IAHR Young Professionals congress

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The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) has hosted its third Young Professionals congress from the 28th November to the 2nd December 2022. The congress aimed to encourage networking and mentorship for young researchers in fields such as Fluvial Hydraulics, Hydroinformatics, Flood Risk Management or Sediment Transport, Experimental
conference, Flood, Natural Hazards, World of Wild Waters, WoWW   , ,
The 39th World Congress organized by the International Association for Hydro-Environmental Research (IAHR) was held last week in Granada (south Spain; see figure below, left). Adina Moraru (work package 2) has attended this biennial congress that included 98 oral regular sessions, 15 special sessions, 4 high-level panels, 8 technical visits,
conference, Flood, Natural Hazards, World of Wild Waters, WoWW   , , , ,
Every year since NTNU’s Digital Transformation initiative started in 2018, WoWW (as one of the 9 projects funded by this initiative) is invited to present its latest results. WoWW’s presentation followed directly after the event was introduced by director for NTNU Digital, John Krogstie (see image below). With some of
conference, World of Wild Waters, WoWW   , , , , ,
Flash news! Adina Moraru and Michal Pavlíček’s (work package 2) recently published journal article has been awarded the category of “Editor’s Choice“! (see snapshot below) What article, do you mean? We wrote a post about it as soon as the manuscript came out with some of its highlights (see a
Flood   , , , ,
The flash flood affecting Utvik in Stryn municipality (western Norway) in summer 2017 was documented on-site and has been studied ever since it occurred. This flash flood devastated Utvik (the hometown of WoWW’s project leader, Oddbjørn Bruland) and was the trigger to initiate the World of Wild Waters project. The
Flood, Natural Hazards, World of Wild Waters, WoWW   ,