[Coming soon] EGU General Assembly 2023
The General Assembly for the European Geosciences Union is held from the 23rd to the 28th of April in Vienna (Austria) and online. Adina Moraru (WP2) will attend as the Norwegian Young Geomorphologists National Representatives for GeoNorth (IAG) as well as present her latest research.
Adina’s attendance to EGU23 is supported by a generous travel grant by the Norwegian Hydrological Council.
Adina will present the “Reconstruction and optimal modelling of a flash flood in a steep Norwegian river using remotely sensed- and in-situ data“, within the session on remote sensing for flood dynamics monitoring and flood mapping. Adina’s session will take place on Thursday 27 Apr, from 10:45–12:30 (CEST) in Hall A, although her poster will be on display the whole day (from 08:00 until 19:00 CEST).
Her poster is based on two of her recent journal publications:
- The Story of a Steep River: Causes and Effects of the Flash Flood on 24 July 2017 in Western Norway, Water (Switzerland), 13(12), 1688. (Awarded paper)
- Investigating optimal 2D hydrodynamic modeling of a recent flash flood in a steep Norwegian river using high-performance computing, Journal of Hydroinformatics. (Paper under review)
Additionally, Adina will take part in the mentorship programme the European Geosciences Union is launching this year. As a first time attendee, she will be assigned to a mentor during the congress, which will help her navigate a very intensive congress (ca. 20,000 presentations expected).
You may find more interesting research on EGU’s website. The content will be available virtually from the 20th of March to the 20th of May 2023.